Big thanks for the scrubs pattern and brilliant photo guide. I really enjoyed making them and found your guide very easy to follow and exceptionally helpful in all the detailed tips you give along the way. I usually cobble things together and make it up as I go along so it was a novelty for me to properly follow a pattern. I learnt many things. I found that my machine inherited from my mother-in-law had a buttonholing setting on it.....never knew that.......and now I know how to use it. I really looked at how to use my overlocker properly and gave it much needed TLC which has improved it no end.
So this is to say big big thanks for encouraging me to revive my interest in sewing, discover how much I enjoy it and be able to make something very useful in the process.
Very best wishes
Helen from Dot n Cross is volunteering with Cornwall Scrubs, making scrubs to support our healthcare workers throughout the Covid 19 crisis. We developed this pattern for Cornwall Scrubs, to have increased sizing options, but so many people got in touch to request it that we have made it available online for free.
The download files are available by clicking on the buttons below. The pattern is available in both A0 Copy shop PDF and A4 print at home PDF versions. There is also an A4 step by step photo guide PDF below - we ask that you save paper and ink and don’t print this out, but instead view it on your laptop or tablet when you are sewing.
If you would like the file as a Gerber pattern or DXF file, then please email us with your request to
All rights reserved. This pattern is a free pattern and may not be sold or used for commercial gain. Garments made from this pattern may not be produced for sale.
Copyright © 2020 Dot n Cross